야후! , T-모바일과전략적제휴
- 야후! 원서치서비스, 유럽 T-모바일독점검색서비스로제공
- 혁신적인검색기능공동개발추진예정
2008년 2월 12일, 스페인바르셀로나– 최고의인터넷기업야후! (나스닥:YHOO)는자사의모바일검색서비스를유럽시장 T-모바일의수백만사용자들에게제공하기위해 T-Mobile과전략적제휴를맺었다고밝혔다. 이번제휴로야후! 원서치서비스는 2008년 3월말부터 T-모바일의유일한모바일검색서비스가된다.
야후! 커넥티드라이프(Connected Life) 부문수석부사장마르코보에리스(Marco Boerries)는 “야후!와함께하겠다는 T-모바일의결정은, 업계최고모바일검색서비스의경쟁력과, 파트너사들과함께고객들에게최고의모바일인터넷환경을제공하고자하는우리들의의지를보여주는것” 이라고전했다. “일년전우리는야후! 원서치와모바일검색기능재개발에성공하였고, 야후! 를모바일웹의첫관문으로만들기위한약속을이행해왔다. 조만간유럽의수백만명의 T-모바일고객들에게이서비스를제공할예정이다.” 라고덧붙였다.
T-모바일의 Group Products & Innovation Officer, 크리스토퍼쉴라퍼는 `오픈모바일인터넷의선구자로서고객들이정보, 컨텐츠, 커뮤니티와같은모든인터넷서비스에빠르고쉽게접근할수있도록하겠다.”고전했다. “야후! 와함께혁신적인모바일인터넷서비스를소비자들에게더가까이가져갈것이고, 원서치가바로그대표적인예이다.”
야후! 원서치는이용자들이불필요한노력을하지않아도되도록검색한질문에대해관련한정보나대답만을쉽고빠르게제공한다. 원서치는뉴스, 금융정보, 날씨, 포토, 웹이미지, 웹/모바일사이트등을제공한다. 더나아가향후에는 T-모바일고객들에게차별화된야후!원서치를제공할수있도록협업할예정이다.
또한플리커(Flickr), 야후메신저, 야후메일, 야후날씨, 야후금융과같은다른야후의서비스들도 T- 모바일고객들이사용할수있도록추진할계획이다.
Yahoo! and T-Mobile Agree to Enter Into Strategic Partnership
Agreement Sets the Stage for Yahoo! oneSearch to Become the Mobile Search Service in European T-Mobile Markets
Companies Plan to Co-Develop Innovative Search Features
BARCELONA, Spain, Feb 12, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Yahoo! (Nasdaq:YHOO), a leading global Internet company, has agreed to enter into a new strategic partnership with T-Mobile to bring Yahoo!'s industry-leading mobile services to millions of consumers in T-Mobile's European footprint. This agreement sets the stage for Yahoo! oneSearch to become the exclusive mobile search service for T-Mobile customers beginning at the end of March, 2008.
"T-Mobile's decision to work with Yahoo! is a clear demonstration of the strength of our industry-leading mobile search service and our ability to work with partners to give consumers the best possible mobile Internet experience," says Marco Boerries, executive vice president, Connected Life, Yahoo! Inc. "Just one year ago we successfully reinvented mobile search with Yahoo! oneSearch and we have delivered on its promise as we work to establish Yahoo! as the starting point for the mobile Web. Soon we will bring this compelling experience to T-Mobile's millions of consumers across Europe."
"As a pioneer for the open mobile internet with web'n'walk, we give our customers instant and direct access to all available internet services, such as information, content, and communities," says Christopher Schlaffer, Group Products & Innovation Officer, T-Mobile. "With Yahoo!, we combine our joint innovation power to bring the mobile Internet even closer to our customers. oneSearch, the best search product on the market, is a prime example here."
Yahoo! oneSearch quickly and easily delivers relevant results and instant answers to search queries, removing the need for consumers to navigate through a sea of PC Web links. oneSearch provides consumers with access to news, financial information, weather conditions, photos, Web images, and Web and Mobile Web sites. The companies plan to make the new service available in T-Mobile's European footprint. In addition, the companies intend to work together to create a differentiated Yahoo! oneSearch experience for T-Mobile customers in the future.
The two companies also plan to work together to bring additional Yahoo! services including Flickr, Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Weather and Yahoo! Finance to T-Mobile customers.
About Yahoo!
Yahoo! Inc. is a leading global Internet brand and one of the most trafficked Internet destinations worldwide. Yahoo! is focused on powering its communities of users, advertisers, publishers, and developers by creating indispensable experiences built on trust. Yahoo! is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. For more information, visit pressroom.yahoo.com or the company's blog, Yodel Anecdotal.
Yahoo!, Yahoo! oneSearch, and the Yahoo! and Y! logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Yahoo! Inc. All third party marks are the trademarks of their respective owners.
This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties concerning Yahoo!'s proposed partnership with T-Mobile (including without limitation the statements contained in the quotations from management in this press release), as well as Yahoo!'s strategic and operational plans. Actual events or results may differ materially from those described in this press release due to a number of risks and uncertainties. The potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, the possibility that a definitive partnership agreement may not be entered into or may be delayed; the possibility that the expected or planned implementations of the partnership described may be delayed, may not ultimately be implemented, or if implemented may not be successful; and that the anticipated benefits to T-Mobile, Yahoo!, customers and users may not be realized. More information about potential factors that could affect Yahoo!'s business and financial results is included under the captions, "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations," in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2007, which are on file with the SEC and available at the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.
SOURCE: Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. Nicole Leverich, 408-349-5583 nicolewl@yahoo-inc.com |