SK텔레콤 대기화면서비스로 제공되는 유무선 연동 개방형위젯 서비스인 바이콘 (대표 이재철)은 국내 모바일웹 2.0 업계 최초로 미국시장에 진출하기위해 미국 실리콘밸리 소재 코리아 IT네트워크 주최 KINCON 2008 (6월 17-18일, 산타클라라 컨벤션센터) 컨퍼런스에 참여했다.
오는 7월 1일 북미 전 이통사를 상대로 현재 95%의 휴대폰에서 상용화될 BICON 서비스 오픈을 앞두고 가진 행사여서 컨퍼런스에 참석한 국내외 벤처투자기관 및 파트너 업체의 주목을 받았으며, 특히 다른 전세계 위젯서비스와 달리 퍼스널 애드네크워크 라는 모바일 CPC 광고프로그램을 통한 이통시장의 차세대 사업모델로 부각되어 향후 국내 뿐만 아니라 글로벌 시장을 리드하는 서비스로 빠르게 자리잡을 것으로 미국 현지에서 내다보고 있다
현재 국내 BICON 서비스는 월 평균 2,000여명의 신규 휴대폰 가입자와 일일 100여개의 사용자 생성 위젯인 비콘을 바탕으로 현재 20여개의 컨슈머 광고 및 모바일 컨텐츠를 제공하고 있다. 기존 온라인에서 활성화된 위젯(Widget)이 휴대폰에서의 즉시적인 활용성을 통해 2010년 92억불 매출이 예상되는 전세계 모바일광고시장에 첨병역할을 할 것으로 기대된다. 특히 이러한 새로운 트랜드에 한국계기업이 앞장서고 있다는 것에 향후 한국 소프트웨어 산업의 신속한 글로벌화의 표본이 될 수 있다고 평가하고 있다.
This year’s annual Korea IT Network (KINCON) conference brings together innovative professionals, industry leaders, government officials and academics to discuss the convergence of technology and consumers. Today, consumers are at the heart of the rapid advances in technology. By using the latest devices and participating in the newest social networking sites, consumers are shaping the future of technology.
South Korea provides the greatest example of technology and consumer convergence in the world .South Korea is the most connected country with the highest penetration of broadband, 3G cell phones, digital TV and multiplayer video gaming. In addition, the country offers true convergence of broadband Internet, virtual worlds, electronic cash, robotics, e-government and the intelligent home. South Korea is a world leader in consumer technology. It is the first country to launch digital TV broadcasts to cell phones and cars; one-hundred percent of cell phones sold here are camera phones and nearly three out of four cell phones are highspeed 3G network phones. This is a country where over half the population pay bills or make purchases using the cell phone, where 43% of the nation maintains personal profiles and blogs, and where 25% of the entire population have participated in video gaming inside the same game.
At KINCON 2008 – Consumer and Technology Convergence, we will seek answers and observe trends emerging from South Korea, a country of some of the most digitally demanding consumers in the world, and from Silicon Valley, the famed center of technology innovation. With the help of digital innovation and the rapid development of the Internet, the boundaries between industries and walls between digital devices are collapsing. Services that can connect the user’s life seamlessly, regardless of time, space, and device, will play a crucial part in society and business. KINCON 2008 is at the forefront of idea exchange on consumer and technology convergence and how that will shape the future of the Internet.
KINCON is the largest and most prestigious conference for Korea/US high technology idea exchange and partnership opportunities. Past conferences have attracted more than 600 professionals from Korea and Silicon Valley including engineers, entrepreneurs and venture capital investors. This year’s attendees will have access to other industry professionals and will hear directly from industry leaders about the competitive Korean technology market, its technology advancements, the international movement, and present global investment opportunities.More details, please visit